
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Week 3 Day 4 Summer Learning Journey!!

Day 4

Activity 1

“Out of the gate and off for a walk went Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy…”
one by one they come to the shop
and beg for a treat
"Woof woof" said the pups
"OK but only one" he said
But in their brained they were making a plan
a brilliant plan the were going to try and make the treats fall
so when the man came back they did their plan but it didn't work
because he only brag 7
poor dogs their plan didn't work but at least they got one!

Activity 2

Even though I've been here I want to go to New York again.
1 st I would like to see my cousins again.
2 nd I would love to go to the mall again.
3 rd Lastly I would bring lots of candy and try lots of candy.

Activity 3

I would choose to interview our new prime minister, Jacinda Ardern. I’d love to know what it is like to be the Prime Minister.


  1. Hello Yuktha,

    Georgia here! I’m so happy to see you have continued to blog with the Summer Learning Journey, you have been so active. I am very impressed and can’t wait to visit you and your friends when you are back at school!

    Wow, that is so awesome that you have been to New York! What was your favourite memory from your trip? I went on a trip to America with my family when I was in Year 5. We went to Los Angeles, San Diego and then went across the border to visit my Uncle Matt who was working in Mexico City. I found Mexico an incredible place to visit, although it was also very dirty and a lot of stray animals lived on the streets. Really makes you appreciate what an incredible country we live in.

    I also think Jacinda Ardern would be a very interesting person to interview. Do you have any specific questions that you’d like to ask her? I recently read an article about her and found out that she was an amateur music DJ and was a guest DJ at a festival in Auckland in 2014. Isn’t that funky! 3 years later and she is running our country.

    Ka pai Yuktha, keep up the awesome work.

    Nga mihi

    1. We both went to America when we were in year 5 that's amazing and we went to lots of places. when we were their we stayed with our cousins. Also we went to disneyland and other parks.
